It has been the most wonderful week! We have been receiving loads of attention from new curious customers after spotting us on the telly. Our website has seen an unprecedented amount of orders, and we have been rushed off our feet to fulfill them all.

It all started from one of ITV’s Lifestyle producers getting in contact with me on Etsy. She said they were holding a best craft kit feature on Friday and that they would be interested in having my kit in the mix. My eyes bulged out of my head, "whaaat", must be a hoax I thought. Even though it wasn’t a hoax, I didn't let my expectations rise as she had expressed that it was a possibility we may be picked to be aired but it isn’t guaranteed. I was certain it would be a bigger established company which would be picked, not one that has recently started up. So I continued my day as if it wasn't going to happen.
My friends and I had planned a camping trip and we were to set off on Friday morning. I didn’t bring up the fact I may be on telly, as the chance seemed slim. I set off from my house knowing i wouldn’t be able to watch to see whether I would be featured, but I was glad as that meant i didn’t have to sit there patiently in front of the tv and suffer the disappointment.
I was walking towards my friends who were about to all cram into a car together to head off into the wild, when I found out the news through a text from a friend who was watching ITV and my phone buzzing with alerts notifying me of purchases coming through.
We were getting set to leave the city, but my mind was not on the trip ahead. I was overwhelmed as I had to focus on getting ready to leave, getting my stuff in the car, but at the same time I was on the TV! And my phone was going berserk. I felt completely disjointed between my physical reality and what was happening in the same moment somewhere else.
I was finding it hard to communicate it to the people around me. But once I found the words, I was asked whether going away felt best for me or if I wanted to stay back. In the rush of the situation, I realised that i was about to get into a car and driven away from what i wanted to be closer too. I wanted to be able to focus and be present with what was happening, and be able to cater to the individuals buying from me. So with gratitude, I pulled my bag out of the car and made my way back home.
Instead of being in a field worrying about fulfilling orders, I was at home being able to make them in my own time, so I felt satisfied.
Here is a clip of us being featured:
EeK, Ahhh, Ohh, happy chirps of noise were released as I watched a recording of the telly sent to me. Hearing the presenter, Georgina, say Hug the Earth, gave me little electric shocks of Joy. I remember the process of coming up with our name under a year ago and now I'm hearing it on the television.
I noticed that they did a great job of presenting the ingredients beautifully in little glass bowls but then my eyes then widened as the presenter pointed at the wax and called it beeswax. It is not surprising Georgina mistakenly said there was beeswax included in the kit. Not many know of the magical plant-based candelilla wax that comes from the candelilla plant and allows us to leave our beloved bee's alone.
Beeswax is the wax that honeybees secrete and use to mold their honeycombs and often is not sustainable or ethical, depending on how the beeswax is harvested. To harvest it humans have to melt beehives, due to the high demand it leads to unethical handling of honeybees and their hives. Beeswax is used in most lip balms, so make sure to look out for it if you are keen on protecting our bees. We make sure we leave the bees to do their thing.
Having an eco-friendly and vegan standing is important for me as I think it is our duty as creators to make sure we minimise our impact on the planet and other species when we create products for the market. Globally we have overproduced products using materials and processes that are damaging to our environment, now I feel it is time that all businesses prioritise environmental impact and animal welfare, over profits.